In the context of moving towards a free market economy, Algeria has adopted a new strategy based on an economic approach that focuses on investment in various sectors, including tourism, which has become a significant industry in many developed countries.
Since tourism real estate is a component of economic real estate, the Algerian authorities have paid particular attention to promoting its investment. This is reflected in the establishment of the National Agency for Tourism Real Estate by Executive Decree No. 23-489 dated 30/12/2023, which includes the creation, organization, and operation of the National Agency for Tourism Real Estate, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of Law 23-17 dated 15/11/2023, which specifies the conditions and modalities for granting economic real estate owned by the state for the implementation of investment projects.
This article aims to clarify the legal status of the National Agency for Tourism Real Estate and its role in promoting tourism investment in Algeria, particularly through its preparation, protection, and utilization.