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Large-scale housing estates in Algiers between reality and myths of urban livability: the case of colonial and post-colonial estates

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dc.contributor.author KHELIL CHERFI, Khadidja
dc.contributor.author MERZELKAD, Rym
dc.contributor.author BENACER, Hamza
dc.date.accessioned 2024-12-24T08:25:22Z
dc.date.available 2024-12-24T08:25:22Z
dc.date.issued 2024-10-20
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.univ-batna.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/8306
dc.description.abstract At first sight, it appears that the future of large-scale housing is heading towards a state of continuous deterioration; their future seems to be obscure. The concerned authorities in many countries have opted for demolition, but at some stage, can everything be demolished? Especially in a universal vision of sustainability, which is opposed to any action that has a negative impact on social values, if we refer to large housing estates in Algeria, they are linked directly to socio-cultural identity. In the Algiers case, collective housing is directly linked to the societal lifestyles of its inhabitants. Given these circumstances, the impact on socio-economic life that results from such a strong sense of place and appropriation cannot be neglected. These observations lead to a fundamental question: have large colonial estates succeeded in building urban livability around them? How can we learn from these to build a solid basis to guide future designs? fr_FR
dc.language.iso other fr_FR
dc.publisher جامعة باتنة 1 fr_FR
dc.subject Large housing estates fr_FR
dc.subject livability fr_FR
dc.subject Algiers fr_FR
dc.subject Asphodele and Concorde fr_FR
dc.subject Urban renewal fr_FR
dc.subject sustainability fr_FR
dc.subject intervention approach fr_FR
dc.subject informal settlements fr_FR
dc.title Large-scale housing estates in Algiers between reality and myths of urban livability: the case of colonial and post-colonial estates fr_FR
dc.type Working Paper fr_FR

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