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Challenges and Perspectives in EMI Teacher Training: Insights and Practical Strategies from a Year of Empowering University Faculty

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dc.contributor.author Zeggada, Rahma
dc.date.accessioned 2024-11-21T13:31:32Z
dc.date.available 2024-11-21T13:31:32Z
dc.date.issued 2024-11-19
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.univ-batna.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/8196
dc.description الندوة الوطنية: اعتماد اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة للتدريس في الجامعات الجزائرية - التحديات والتوقعات fr_FR
dc.description.abstract This presentation sheds light on the results of the English Medium Instruction (EMI) training program designed and implemented for faculty members from the Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Sciences and the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Batna 1. The curriculum aimed to enhance specialized vocabulary and terminology by integrating digital tools with pedagogical methods and essential academic English skills. fr_FR
dc.language.iso other fr_FR
dc.publisher جامعة باتنة 1 fr_FR
dc.subject English Medium Instruction (EMI) fr_FR
dc.subject training program fr_FR
dc.subject university faculty fr_FR
dc.subject multilingual terminology fr_FR
dc.subject glossaries and technical vocabulary fr_FR
dc.subject online platforms ressources fr_FR
dc.subject transitioning to EMI fr_FR
dc.title Challenges and Perspectives in EMI Teacher Training: Insights and Practical Strategies from a Year of Empowering University Faculty fr_FR
dc.type Working Paper fr_FR

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