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Socio-Spatial Well-Being: the Conceptual Contribution of in-Between Space Layout to Sociability

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dc.contributor.author Benterki, Touba
dc.date.accessioned 2024-07-08T09:42:12Z
dc.date.available 2024-07-08T09:42:12Z
dc.date.issued 2024-07-08
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.univ-batna.dz/xmlui/handle/123456789/7819
dc.description Presented in view of obtaining the degree of 3rd Cycle Doctor in Architecture Field of research : Housing and Society fr_FR
dc.description.abstract Enhancing individual well-being has long been a top priority in scientific research, and housing has been a major concern for society and its members throughout its development stages. Quality of life is affected by the type of social and human relationships that can and should be created, as well as the individual contributions of each user. While living freely in one's residence and participating in social life are two main user requirements, it has become increasingly apparent that residents may find it difficult to build healthy relationships with their neighbors and maintain strong, ongoing interactions. This has led to a growing interest in social relations in recent years, as studies specifically examining the actual impact of interstitial spaces on these relations have been scarce, and little has been written on similar topics in this regard, with many unanswered questions. In-between spaces have become a pressing issue in various fields, including urban planning, architecture, and sociology, reflecting their strong presence in the collective memory of society. The core problem lies in understanding the reasons for the clear contradiction in the use of these spaces, especially in the context of collective housing. This study raises important questions aimed at analyzing the impact of the design characteristics of these spaces on user behavior in order to determine the extent to which they affect individual well-being at both the social and spatial levels. This research explores the reciprocal relationship between space and society, focusing on the impact of the design of internal In-between spaces on neighbor relations. It provides a comprehensive overview of theoretical investigations into the concept of housing, particularly collective housing, with a critical analysis of the concept of In-between space in housing units and its impact on social cohesion. The study presents the results of a case study analysis of two housing complexes comprising 800 and 1000 housing units in the city of Batna, Algeria, using a multi-dimensional approach. Multiple research methods were employed, including field research, typo-morphological analysis, and Isovist analysis, to understand the critical factors associated with and reinforcing neighbor disputes within housing complexes. The field data allowed for a close examination of the underlying motivations behind individual behaviors and their preference for independent living within a collective environment. fr_FR
dc.language.iso other fr_FR
dc.publisher Université de batna 1 fr_FR
dc.subject Collective housing fr_FR
dc.subject In-between space fr_FR
dc.subject Usage conflict fr_FR
dc.subject Sociability fr_FR
dc.title Socio-Spatial Well-Being: the Conceptual Contribution of in-Between Space Layout to Sociability fr_FR
dc.title.alternative Case study 800 and 1000 dwellings Batna city/Algeria fr_FR
dc.type Thesis fr_FR

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