يتناول البحث المسائل التي خالف فيه القاضي عياض المذهب المالكي، من خلال كتابه إكمال المعلم بفوائد مسلم الذي حوى ثروة فقهية هائلة في سائر المذاهب، و القاضي عياض أحد أبرز فقهاء المالكية الذين عرفوا بموسوعيتهم الفقهية، و كغيره من الفقهاء المجتهدين كان يخالف في بعض المسائل الفقهية مشهور المذهب بناء على قوة الدليل، أو مرجح من المرجحات، و قد حاولت استقراء اختيارات القاضي عياض التي خالف فيها مشهور المذهب و بيان و جه استدلاله فيها و حصرها. The research is about the matters in which Qadi Iyad have disagreed with in the Maliki School, through his book “Ikmal al-mu`lim bi fawa'id Muslim”, which contains a jurisprudence resource in all Schools. Qadi Ayyad is considered as the most famous jurists ‘Faqih’ in Maliki School who has been known of his scientific encyclopedia. As any other jurists, he disagreed with some jurisprudence matters in famed School based on strong evidence or one of probabilities. I have tried also to derive and spot the choices of Qadi Ayyad, in which he disagreed with in the famed school, and then I have tried to show his method in proving his opinions.