The teaching of the Arabic language is one of the core topics, which has received an abundant share of research and studies within the fields of educational systems, and the textbook is one of the most important tools on ...
This research focuses on the season: "The artistic picture in
the contemporary Algerian feminist narrative" on the issues of
narrative photography and image, which has not received their
luck as the case with the poetic ...
The knowledge explosion, which affected all sectors, caused a
tremendous technological revolution in the field of travel and tourism,
which called for the designers of flash advertising to develop a
publicity method via ...
Language is a means of communication and expression used by individuals in
their communities. It also guarantees for the individual to record his history and
that of his nation. As such, teaching language, especially at ...
إن قراءة النص الأدبي فعل إنساني تواصلي يتحقق باحتكاك متلقي النص أو قارئه بلغته، في محاولة فهمه وتفعيل إنتاجيته، وهي عملية مشفرة تربط
اللغة بالواقع في شكل إبداعي جديد ومنسجم ومتجانس يتيح للقارئ عملية فك شفراته للوصول إلى ...