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Titre: Impact of applying Total quality management practices on management innovation education study sample from University OF Farhat Abbas Setif 1
Auteur(s): KAOUDOUNE, Hanane
KILANI, Sounia
Mots-clés: Total quality management
Continuous improvement
Management innovation
Create value.
Date de publication: 21-jan-2024
Editeur: جامعة الحاج لخضر باتنة1
Référence bibliographique: كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية
Collection/Numéro: المجلد 11، العدد 01 ،العدد التسلسلي 28;جانفي 2024
Résumé: The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the application of comprehensive quality management practices on management innovation in higher education institutions at the Faculty of Economics, University of Farhat Abbas Setif1, where the questionnaire was used as an essential tool to collect data by distributing it to 100 individual staff working in the Faculty of Economics from different segments, both administrators and academics. The results of the study revealed that the overall quality management practices of (Formulating a clear strategy, customer orientation and employee participation) has a significant impact on management innovation in its dimensions (internal institutional innovation, value creation, innovation management) while both (Effective leadership, knowledge management analysis, continuous process improvement) does not affect the dimensions of management innovation, and with respect to the study model it is proven in relation to the limits of our study.
Description: مقال منشور في المجلد11 -العدد01 (العدد التسلسلي 28) جانفي 2024- مجلة الباحث للدراسات الأكاديمية -جامعة باتنة1
ISSN: 2352-975x
Collection(s) :العدد 01

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