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dc.contributor.authorBellour, Leila-
dc.identifier.citationBellour Leila, The Need For An Islamic Postcolonial Approach, Elihyaa Journal, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Batna1 University, vol 23, N° 1, Serial Number 32, January 2023, P-P : 887-900fr_FR
dc.description.abstractPost-9/11 Western discourse does not just continue the traditional oreintalist representations of Islam. It goes beyond it by depicting Islam as a violent and jingoistic religion. Such representation of Islam is embedded in the paradigms of knowledge constellations of power that divides the world into two poles. Islamophobia becomes a postcolonial concept. Muslims are identified as violent terrorists and backward in post-9/11 Western discourse. Thus, they need to be colonized in order to be civilized. Even writers in the West, who have an Islamic background, hold views that are hostile to Islam. These postcolonial writers are Western in Opinions and intellect. They do not write back to Western writers and critics who demonize Islam and Muslims. In fact, there is a remarkable dearth of reference to Islamic identity in postcolonial theory which is still embedded in Western secular paradigms of knowledge. Thus, there is a need for an Islamic postcolonial approach that gives voice to the Subaltern.fr_FR
dc.publisherمجلة الإحياء، كلية العلوم الإسلامية، جامعة باتنة1fr_FR
dc.relation.ispartofseriesالمجلد 23، العدد 1;-
dc.subjectIslamic postcolonial approachfr_FR
dc.subjectMuslim Subalternfr_FR
dc.subjectPostcolonial Approach ;fr_FR
dc.titleThe Need For An Islamic Postcolonial Approachfr_FR
Collection(s) :العدد 1

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