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dc.contributor.authorBousboua, Mostefa-
dc.descriptionمقال نشر في المجلة الجزائرية للأمن والتنمية المجلد 07 العدد 01 ص 306-319fr_FR
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to shed some light on the reality of energy security in Algeria. In view of the standards adopted by the International Energy Organization (IEA). Algeria is able to ensure its energy security, but only in the short term, this due to the fast growth of domestic energy consumption at a faster pace than production. Consequently, Algeria will fail to meet the domestic demand in the forthcoming years. This study proposes a model of energy governance by which the state-owned companies will not be the only responsible of elaborating energy policy by involving civil society and privet sector, in addition to the reinforcement of accountability mechanisms to prevent corruption within state-owned company. It also affirms that ensuring energy security in Algeria depends mainly on the achievement of energy transition through reliance on renewable resources.fr_FR
dc.publisherالمجلة الجزائرية للأمن والتنميةfr_FR
dc.subjectenergy securityfr_FR
dc.subjectenergy transitionfr_FR
dc.subjectenergy governancefr_FR
dc.titleEnergy Security In Algeria In Post Oil Erafr_FR
Collection(s) :العدد 01

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